Accelerate your wins in procurement

Tailored for Moroccan organizations, MarketWatch provides a streamlined process to explore and engage with calls for tenders from various African organizations.

What is MarketWatch?

MarketWatch is a gateway to streamlined procurement, offering tender exploration, detailed insights, and efficient management for Moroccan organizations across Africa.

Dashboard Screenshot


Tender Exploration

Explore a centralized platform featuring an extensive table, interactive map, and advanced filters to easily search and discover relevant tenders from various African organizations.

Detailed Tender Insights

Dive into detailed pages showcasing comprehensive information about specific tenders, including AI-generated descriptions, buyer details, and additional insights related to the buyer's country, revolutionizing your approach to procurement.

Manage Your Tenders

Manage your tender by starring essential tenders for quick access, tracking crucial dates effortlessly, and monitoring your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in real-time.

Three Key Figures


Number of African Countries Covered


Number of Organizations Covered


Number of Tenders Listed

Get in touch

If you want to learn more about MarketWatch, QFrame solutions, or partnership opportunities, feel free to get in touch with us!

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